Thursday, December 01, 2005

How interesting.

There finally came a day when the wise man awoke. On that day, the gods did tremble and the mortals did laugh, for the wise man had a beard of rice, and the rice was rotten. And when the wise man heard the laughter, he exploded in a fit of rage, and the sky did rain rotten rice upon the people, and they did fear, for the wise man was not just any wise man now, he was the wise rice man. And then the rice man did rise and proclaim unto the people, "Thou shalt not eat my rice anymore, nor shalt though ever eat any rice anymore." and the people did tremble for this was a horrible curse.

Then, there came upon the scene a little boy, and the little boy did not fear because it is a fact that children do not fear, they only wonder. And the little boy was hungry and was far too young to know that the rice was rotten. And the little boy did eat the rice of the rice man's beard and he did relish it though it had a funny taste but taste has never mattered to a hungry child. Now the wise rice man was angry and so he was no longer wise, because no person is ever wise and angry at the same time and the wise man was not an exception to this even though his beard was made of rice.

And now that the rice man was angry he forgot his limits and he forgot his failings and he did try to catch the little boy and that was perhaps not so wise. But he had forgotten that no wise man had ever caught a little boy, and he had forgotten that he had once said that no little boy would ever be caught by a rice man, and so when he leapt at the little boy the little boy jumped away, and he dodged and he jumped and he leaped and the wise man did fail.

Now the people remembered what the wise man had said once when he was still a wise man and not simply a rice man, and they called it to his attention. "Remember your vow", they cried, "Remember your vow or be termed a liar!", and then the wise man, who was now a rice man, did remember his vow, and now HE did fear, for he remembered the vow that he had taken. The rice man cried out in anguish but the people did not stir, the rice man cried for mercy but the people did not move, the rice man exploded and the people did rejoice.

A long time passed and the people did wander the land and did spread and multiply and did expand in width and the day came when they realised that the rice man had said many wise things before his rice had become rotten and they did build a monument to his "Words of Wisdom".


Blogger Marc said...

Total crap.

9:33 PM  
Blogger Roshan George said...

*grumble* I liked it.

10:16 PM  
Blogger Marc said...

The title was bland and it was not well written. With a little more effort it would be better. Edit it.

Where's the nasty/funny/ridiculous punchline? You opted for a generic one.

And why aren't there any aliens in the story? IMO, every story should have aliens in it.

10:45 PM  

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